Saturday, September 10, 2011

Water Lust: Why All the Excitement When H2O is Found in Space?

As mankind looks deeper into the never ending depths of space, it makes major discoveries that give man hope of life outside Earth. Little by little H2O (water) is being found out in our solar system. The existence of water is being found on various moons. One of them Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons is speculated to have vast oceans of liquid water. Why is water outside Earth, especially liquid water so important? Well basically, it’s that life on Earth requires it. Photosynthetic life snatches the hydrogen from water molecules to make sugars. Organisms use water to add rigidity to cells and transport nutrients. If we don’t drink it, we die!

-          This kind of science could be considered hypothesis science because they begin their research with a hypothesis, such as “If there is some sort of water existence in space then there might be life in other planets” and then they conduct experiments or space trips in search of H2O.

-          The discovery of water in other locations in space is important to us humans because it can give us an opportunity to encounter life outside of Earth and consider alternate places to inhabit.

*Online article*
  • Author: Bruce Lieberman
  • Journal: Scientific American
  • Title of Article: Water Lust: Why All the Excitement When H2O is Found in Space?
  • Date Published: October 4, 2009

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