Friday, September 16, 2011

Chemical Beverage Signatures Allow Geographical Tracking of People By What They've Been Drinking

According to a new research Utah has come up with, over time they can tell where a person has been, where they have traveled to, etc. They have figured out that its is possible to track what someones been drinking and that information then leads them and allows them to figure out the rest because of the fingerprints left in the hair. They measure the isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen which takes gets the researchers closer to their conclusion. They tested this by taking samples of 33 different cities and happened to notice that the isotope pattern of the city matched the pattern of the tap water. The article explains how water was their strongest source of information; soda and beer were not as strong.

The article selected is an example of hypothesis based science because having a conclusion and then observing what was occurring while they were taking tests to prove it led them to the actual facts.

The importance this has to humans is allowing them to know that " you are what you eat" is said common but this article supports why it is true. It keeps them aware that what they drink/digest accumulates and leaves patterns and prints in a certain part of their body that allows researchers to track them down.

author: Rebecca Boyle
title of article: Chemical Beverage Signatures Allow Geographical Tracking of People By What They've Been Drinking
journal: POPSCI
date published: June 30, 2010

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