Thursday, September 8, 2011

Water Article.

Some scientists believe that what destroyed life on Earth about 250 million years ago was acid in the oceans. They figured by data in their computers, that the high levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide which would have caused the oceans to be more acidic. Therefore, if they were more acidic they would be enough to kill off marine life. It might have been another reason for extinction in that time. The vanishing of many marine species and terrestrial species were due to an oxygen-starved ocean. This lead to immense volcanic eruptions, shutdown of nutrient cycles in marine life. If this were to happen again, I'm sure that the same would happen to us; all species would vanish. This could all happen if gas concentrations would increase. This might have been a hypothesis based project. If you have two groups and control one by making it as acidic as it used to be and have two fish in different bowls. It could be done, it would just take time. This is an importance for humans just letting them know to be careful, because it might happen.
Witze, Alexandra. Acid Oceans Helped Fuel Mass Extinction. Monday, September 5, 2011.

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