Friday, September 16, 2011

Drinking Recycled Water

The arlticle is about water and how some scientist in The Australian Government National Water Commission got paid to examine the quality of water after it has been treated using a managed aquifer recharge and wether or not the finished product would meet with standard drinking water guidlines. They did the experimet by collecting storm water and measuring its concentration. The results of the storm water amazed them with small amounts of fecal bacteria, elevated concentrations of iron, and other contaminates were found in the water. However, after the water was run through the aquifer and underwent further treatment, the water came out almost completely cleaned and some other treatments had to be made to remove some hazards.
The type of experiment that they did was hypothesis based experiment beacuse they made test and then reached a conclusion after the tests. The importance that the findings have to humans is that it could provide better drinking water for poeple that might not have enough money to get healthey water. it could also be the means of recycling and reusing water that before could only be used once.
Tittle of article: Drinking Recycled water? Study establishes Methods to Assess Recycled Aquifer Water
Author/journal: Journal of Envoirmental Quality
Date published: December 2010

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