Monday, November 14, 2011

Waste Water + Bacteria = Energy

Hydrogen may be the ultimate fuel because burning it and reacting it with oxygen yields only water vapor. Scientists have produced hydrogen gas before but only by providing the bacteria with electrical energy. Logan and Younggy Kim reported that they combined two types of devices to generate hydrogen without any external sources of energy. The device has two chambers: one containing the bacteria and the other containing the salt water. They are seperated by five stacked cells. These stacked cells generated .5 to .6 volts of electricity. For each 30 mL of sodium acetate solution provided for the bacteria, the device generated between 21 & 26 mL of hydrogen gas in a day.
This article was an example of discovery science because scientists discovered an alternate source of energy. They found how to generate hydrogen without using energy. This finding is important because if we are ever in need of an alternate energy source we can turn to this method.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Drinking Recycled Water? Study Establishes Methods to Assess Recycled Aquifer Water

By Emily Ramirez

Earlier this year, around the south of Australia, The Parafield Aquifier Storage, Transfer, and Recovery research project collected a large amount of storm water from an metropolitan area and brought it to an aquifer and received it out of a well. The water did not meet the qualifications needed to be distributed to the public, due to small amounts of fecal bacteria, high concentration on iron, and various other contaminants. To attempt to purify the water, the water underwent treatment and in result, they had incredibly lower levels of hazard. This study resulted in the assumption that in the future, it might be possible to recycle water from an aquifer and avoid a inevitable water shortage with the growing population. Because water is such an important, and non-renewable source, the human race must be working to find manners of obtaining maximum amount of water we can get.

To come to these conclusions, these scientist used discovery science, by doing different experiments with different samples of water, and testing them, they came to their, very important results.

American Society of Agronomy. "Drinking recycled water? Study establishes methods to assess recycled aquifer water." ScienceDaily, 6 Jan. 2011. Web. 11 Nov. 2011.

How "Jesus Lizards" Walk on Water

Scientists have figured out how so called "Jesus Lizards" are able to walk over ponds, rivers, etc. These lizards exert a force, with their feet, that keep their bodies above the water and alsoupright. The properties of water also allow this to happen. Water's surface tension works with cohesion to assure that the surface of water is somewhat difficult to break. This is an example of discovery science because they didn't really do an experiment to find this out. The properties of water were previously known. This is very important to society because it helps people understand the properties of water.

By: John Roach
Date: November 16, 2004
Journal: National Geographic

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Ocean Overview -- National Geographic

Ocean Overview -- National Geographic

The article talks about the ocean, the biggest source of water on Earth, in general. Its purpose is to make people aware of the problems the ocean is facing currently; the people who need the ocean the most are destroying it. We need the ocean for the oxygen it produces, which helps us breathe. We need it for the animals is houses, which serve as food. It even helps keep our climate constant. Water is the source of life for humans, and the ocean is the biggest body of water we have. Without the ocean, the human species wouldn't be able to survive. & yet, we take it for granted and pollute it, and take away its resources.

This isn't really a discovery that was made, its more of an article to make the general public conscious of the importance water plays in our lives, starting with the ocean, the biggest body of water the Earth has. But, its still an article everyone should read in order to open their eyes to what's going on with the source of life for humans. If we don't protect our oceans, we're slowly killing ourselves.

author: *not sure, but Enric Sala's paragraph is the basis for the rest of the article.
Title of article: Ocean Overview
date published: not shown
pages: link is at the beginning of the summary.

How to Walk on Water

A team of mathematicians at MIT, including John Bush and his graduate student David HU, sought to work out exactly how water-striding insects are able to glide across the surface of a body of water. They used high speed video cameras and dyed water to observe how the insects used their center legs to row themselves along while the surface tension of the water kept them from sinking. Instead, they push down on the surface of the liquid, creating an indentation, or meniscus, which they push off from, moving the insect along. The MIT graduate student Brian Chan then built a small robot 4 inches in length that utilized the same technique as the water-strides and was able to successfully skim across the surface.
This article is an example of discovery science as the researchers simply set up equipment that would allow them to record the results of their experiment and as a result uncovered how these insects were able to walk upon the surface of the water. This research allows humans to take advantage of this ability to glide across the surface of water and may lead to new technologies involving this feat, such as robots that can skim across a body of water performing various activities.

Journal: Discover Magazine
Author: Fenella Saunders
Title of Article: How to Walk on Water
Date Published (Online): November 10, 2003

Europa Could Support Complex Life

University of Arizona researcher, Richard Greenburg says that enough oxygen reaches the subterranean ocean of Europa that it can support not only microfauna, but macrofauna (more complex, animal like organisms). In fact, Greenberg estimates there is enough oxygen to support 6.6 billion pounds of macrofauna. Other scientist are very curious as to wether there are thermal vents on the seafloor. Europas icy surface is relatively new and oxygen in the ocean comes from particles from the sun that penetrate the ice. Based on estimates for the production of oxidizers at the surface, Greenberg says oxygen buildup in Europa's ocean is happening so quickly that it could exceed that of the Earth's oceans in a few million years. Greenburg quotes "If there is evidence for oxygenation, then the presence of oxygen would certainly increase the environmental conditions for life. It doesn't mean life is there, just that there might be free oxygen available to support biological processes."

This is discovery science because the findings are based on studies and observations made from Europa.

The importance of this research is that it suggests complex organisms on Europa.

Klotz, I. Europa, Jupiter's Moon, Could Support Complex Life, Oct 8, 2009


NASA Becomes All the More Awesome: Cleansing Water

The average person lives three days without water. Here on this lovely planet we call Earth, we're surrounded by it, what we need to live is provided. Now imagine a temporary stay where there is no source of water what so ever, complete isolation.

This is one aspect astronauts living in the International Space Station have to deal with. They need clean water to survive, so how do you provide enough for them to live when they're in space for months at a time?

NASA wanted to find a way to both solve this problem, and apply it to life here. Teamed with NASA, the Umpqua Research Company (UCR) developed the Regenerable Biocide Delivery Unit. This could be applied to making water anywhere clean.

Because of this, Space Shuttle technology is being used to purify water in developing countries, and it helps cleanse water for thousands of people.

Author: Elaine M. Marconi
Title: Water, Water Everywhere!
Journal: NASA Feature
Date: May 2004

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Water: Science Looks at the Source of Life

The ocean is important and critical to sustain life on earth. it puts oxygen into the atmosphere and takes carbon dioxide out. The ocean absorbs two billion metric tons of carbon a year which is a third of the total emitted by humans. This process might help slow global warming. Liquid water is important but so are its gaseous and solids states that help cool the air and surface of the earth. When snow and ice melt, which is water as a solid, land and sea absorb more heat and temperatures rise higher thus snow and ice melt faster. Snow of Greenland, Arctic sea ice, and ice sheets of Antarctica are all melting; as are the snows as Kilimanjaro. Therefore the oceans are rising. As temperature rises, ice melts, as in Kilimanjaro, causing temperature to rise faster. Plants and animals move toward the poles and to higher altitudes. Some species adapted to cool mountaintops have nowhere to move and will become extinct. Clouds, water in its gaseous state, bring rain and snow. These help plants survive, fill reservoirs, moderate sunlight. But if clouds become polluted, these can turn into heat absorbers.
This article was a good example of hypothesis based science. This is because scientists hypothesized and experimented by doing research in order to get results. This article teaches us the importance of water to us and life. How humans use fresh water, for drinking, agriculture, industry, electricity, transportation, recreation, waste disposal, and in many other ways, affects how much clean water will be available in the future. Wether or not water will continue to support us depends on the treatment we give to it. Also, how responsible humans are due to global warming and drastic climatic changes.

Author: Paul Preuss

Title: Water: Science Looks at the Source of Life

Journal: Berkley Lab

Date published: January 5 2010


How to Walk on Water

Water-striding insects are able to glide along the surface of water, and make it seem fairly easy. A group of MIT mathematicians worked very diligently to try to understand how they these insects are able to do this. John Bush and David Hu set up small pools of dyed water and used high-speed video cameras to video tape the insects. They observed that they use their center legs to row, although the water high surface tension keeps them from breaking the surface. When they push down on the water, they form a meniscus which is a sort of small valley. Their middle legs press against the back wall of the meniscus , propelling the insect forward. This results in the transfer of momentum to a series of vortices in the water. To prove this theory, Brian Chan built a small robot which used that same technique. It was able to successfully "water-walk".
This is an example of discovery based science because the group of mathematicians used their observations to form generalizations. They were trying to understand something they didn't understand, but never set a real hypothesis. The importance of this research is the understanding of one of water many unique properties, surface tension. This experiment explains why some insects are able to stride on the surface of ponds, etc.
By: Stephanie Reynolds

Fenella Saunders
"How to Walk on Water"
Discover Magazine
November 2003

Importance of Water in the Life of the British Mayfly

The British Mayfly is a common English insect, also known as the Green Drake. This bug lives out its yearlong life as an aquatic larvae, but then develops into a large winged insect. This form is what the mayfly lives as for the remaining three hours of its life. Although this life span may seem extremely short, it has been cut even shorter by the 1°C increase in temperature of The River Dove, its environment. This increase, which experts believe is due to climate change (global warming), has cut the life of these insects. Since the temperatures are warmer, food is plentiful and the insects mature faster. By completing their life cycle at a more rapid pace, these insects lives are cut short. Also, the water is much too hot for the larvae. This causes them to hatch faster, and die sooner. Hopefully, with newfound awareness, climate change will decrease, and these beautiful creatures will lead normal lives again.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

House Episode: Conditions and Treatments

1. Contact Dermatitis: The disease is caused by an allergic reaction that normally is shown by skin inflamation. The leading culprits of the disease are poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac. The symptons of the disease are a pink or red rash in the skin that usually itches.
2. Churg-Strauss syndrome: The syndrome is caused by the abnormal clustering of certain white blood cells in the blood and tissue, inflamation of blood vessels and the development of inflamatory nodular lesions called granulomas. The symptoms are allergic angiitis, granulomatosis, allergic granulomatosis and vasculitis. Most of the patients with the syndrome have a history of allergies.
3. Mixed Connective Tissue Disease: The causes of the disease are systemic lupus erythematosus, polymyositis, and scleroderma. The symptoms of the disease are arthritic, cardiac, pulmonary and skin manifestations; kidney disease; muscle weakness, and dysfunction of the esophagus.
1. The treatment for contact dermatitis are that a doctor may recommend a prescription corticosteroid cream and might prescribe an oral antihistamine to relieve severe itching and an antibiotic if a secondary infection develops.
2. Epinephrine is an injection used to treat life-threatening allergic reactions caused by insect bites, foods, medications, latex, and other causes. Epinephrine is in a class of medications called sympathomimetic agents. It works by relaxing the muscles in the airways and tightening the blood vessels.

Sick Nun Diagnosis/Treatments

Churg Strauss Vasculitis
Cause: The cause of this syndrome is not yet known.
Symptoms: Churg Strauss is commonly characterized by asthma, allergic rhitinis, and peripheral blood eosinophilia. As the syndrome can affect any organ system, symptoms can vary depending on the location. Pulmonary Churg Strauss includes asthma, cough, sinuses, and difficulty breathing. Neurological Churg Strauss consists of mononeuritis and polyneuropathy. Cutaneous Churg Strauss causes the skin to seem to have bug bites and hemorraghes. Cardiovascular Churg Strauss includes inflammation of the heart and quick heartbeat. Gastrointestinal Churg Strauss causes gastroenteritis, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and hemorrhages.
Cause: This disease is usually caused by the body forming an immune reaction against itself. Thyroid cells that receive thyroid stimulating hormone from the pituitary gland have antibodies bound on to their receptors. This causes the thyroid to go into overdrive and produce more thyroxine than usual.
Symptoms: Since this disease causes the patient's metabolism to increase, typical symptoms include weight loss, increased appetite, rapid heart rate, fine tremors, increased nervousness and emotional instability, intolerance of heat, excessive sweating, bulging eyes, and enlargement of the thyroid gland.
Contact Dermatitis
Cause: This disease is an allergic reaction when direct contact is made with an allergen.
Symptoms: The contact causes itching, redness, inflammation, tenderness, lesions, and/or rash on the patient's skin.
Prednisone: is a type of steroid that prevents the release of substances that cause inflammation in the body.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber: an isolated, sealed chamber in which a patient is treated in a situation of one hundred percent oxygen and increased pressure in comparison to outside pressure.

Conditions and Treatments

3 diseases or conditions that the patient could have had:

  1. Contact dermatitis - It is caused by direct contact with an allergy-inducing or irritating substance. Risk of contracting this condition is heightened if the person has any past history of allergies. There are two types of contact dermatitis. The first, irritant dermatitis, is the type which results from contact with acids, alkaline materials or other such chemicals. Allergic contact dermatitis, on the other hand, results from exposure to a material or substance to which the person has become extra sensitive or allergic to. The symptoms of both include skin redness of inflammation, swelling, itching, tenderness, lesions or rashes.
  1. Churg-Strauss - Disorder marked by invasion of the blood vessels. Said inflammation can restrict blood flow to vital organs and tissues, sometimes even damaging them. Asthma is a very common symptom of Churg-Strauss, but others can include hay fever, rash, gastrointestinal bleeding and severe pain as well as numbness in the hands and feet. The wide range of symptoms makes it a difficult condition to diagnose. Unfortunately, Churg-Strauss has no cure, but at least the symptoms can be moderated with steroids and other immunosuppressant drugs. The cause of this syndrome is also unknown, but it involves an unusual over-activation of the immune system in a person with asthma. Though an association between asthma medications and the development of the condition has been noted, it is not certain whether those with severe asthma that take them already have a tendency for the development of whether it is caused by the medications themselves.
  2. Mixed connective tissue disease - This condition is actually an overlap of three other diseases, systematic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma and polymyositis. The symptoms of mixed connective tissue disease, therefore, all the symptoms displayed by all three of those mentioned diseases. Usually the people that suffer from this disease also have high amounts of antibodies ANA and anti-RNP. The general treatments of this disease are directed towards suppressing immune-related inflammation of the tissues, through the use of anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant medications. Aside from those, treatment will vary depending on the organs affected by the disease.

Proposed treatments:

  1. Prednisone - Medicine used to treat many different conditions including allergic disorders, skin conditions, arthritis, lupus and breathing disorders. It prevents the release of substance in the body that cause inflammation.
  2. Hyperbaric Treatment - This treatment involves the breathing of 100% pure oxygen while resting in a sealed chamber that has been pressurized to 1.5 to 3 times atmospheric pressure. Health problems this treatment is used to treat include bone damage caused by radiation therapy, carbon monoxide poisoning and injuries in which the tissues are not receiving enough oxygen.

House Episodes 1: Conditions and Treatments

1. a) contact Dermatitis: cause: is an inflammation of skin caused by direct contact with an irritating or allergy-causingg substance.
symptoms: skin itching and burning, blisters, red rash, usually in the hands.
2. a) asthama attack
what causes it:

  • inherited tendency to develop allergies (called Atope.)
  • Parents who have asthma.
  • Some respiratory infections during childhood
  • Contact with some airborne allergens or exposure to some viral infections in infancy or in early childhood when the immune system is developing

Symptoms: Asthma is a long-term lung disease that inflames and narrows the lung’s airways. Asthma causes recurring periods of wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath, and coughing.
b) Treatments: adrenaline shot makes heart beat faster; reduces mucus and you can breathe easier through the airways; long-term medicines: reduce airway inflamation; Inhalers- open the airways; relax tightened muscles

3. a) mixed connective tissue disease: Mixed connective tissue disease is an uncommon autoimmune disorder that causes overlapping features of primarily three connective tissue diseases — lupus, scleroderma and polymyositis.
symptoms: patients overlap illnesses and have high amounts of the antibodies ANA and anti-RNP in their blood.
b) hyperbanic oxygen chamber- is a medical use of oxygen at a higher level atmospheric pressure. it:

1) greatly increases oxygen concentration in all body tissues, even with reduced or blocked blood flow

2) stimulates the growth of new blood vessels to locations with reduced circulation which improves blood flow to areas with arterial blockage

3) causes a rebound arterial dilation after HBOT, resulting in an increased blood vessel diameter greater than when therapy began, improving blood flow to compromised organs

4) stimulates an adaptive increase in superoxide dismutase, which is one of the body's principal and internally produced antioxidants and free radical scavengers; and,

5) aids the treatment of infection by enhancing white blood cell action and potentiating germ-killing antibiotics.

House Episode 1


Churg-Strauss Syndrome

Causes: Churg-Strauss syndrome, a form of vasculitis, is characterized by inflammation of blood vessels in the lungs, skin, nerves, and abdomen in patients with a history of asthma or allergy. The exact cause is unknown, but it involves an abnormal over-activation of the immune system of an asthmatic person. It is reputed to be caused by certain asthma medications, but these reports are not clear.

Symptoms: Some symptoms are fever, weight loss, fatigue, sinus or nasal passage inflammation, cough, shortness of breath, chest pains, skin lumps, diarrhea, numbness, weakness, and seizures.

Contact dermatitis

Causes: There are two types of contact dermatitis: irritant and allergic. Irritant contact dermatitis is caused by a substance that damages the skin’s protective layer. Harsh soaps, chemical solvents, and cosmetics often cause this. Allergic contact dermatitis is caused by an allergen that triggers and immune reaction on the skin. Common allergens include rubber, metals, and cosmetics.

Symptoms: Some symptoms include: a red rash after exposure, blistered skin, hives, and an itchy and burning sensation on the skin.


Causes: Cellulitis is caused by bacteria (strep or staph) that develop in a cut, sore, or insect bite.

Symptoms: Begins as a small area of tenderness, swelling and redness of the skin. As this area enlarges, and fever, swollen lymph nodes, and chills occur.



Diphenhydramine is a medicine used to relieve red, irritated, itchy, watery eyes; sneezing; and runny nose caused by fever, allergies, or a cold. It is also used to relieve cough. It comes as a rapidly disintegrating tablet, and comes both alone and in combination with pain relievers.

Hyperbaric oxygen chamber

This is an intermittent treatment of the entire body with 100% oxygen at greater than atmospheric pressures. It greatly increases oxygen concentration in all body tissues, stimulates the growth of new blood vessels to locations with reduced circulations, causes a rebound arterial dilation, stimulates an adaptive increase in superoxide dismutase, and aids the treatment of infection by enhancing white blood cell action and potentiating germ-killing antibiotics.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The causes of Churg-Strauss is unknown, however, it involves an abnormal over-activation of the immune system in a person with asthma. The symptoms are: fever, weight loss, sinus or nasal passage inflammation in the patient with asthma, and fatigue. Sometimes the asthma gets better as the syndrome intensifies elsewhere. Cough, shortness of breath, and chest pain may occur as the lungs are affected by vasculitis. Skin lumps, or nodules, may appear in the extremities. Diarrhea and stomachache may occur. The bladder and prostate gland may become inflamed. Numbness and weakness of the extremities may occur and if the brain is affected, seizures or confusion may occur.
There are two types of contact dermatitis: allergic and irritant. Allergic contact dermatitis results from a reaction of the immune system. The immune system overreacts to a foreign substance and is activated to produce antibodies against this allergen. The antibody is stored in mast cells. When they come in contact with the allergen, the antibodies promote release of chemicals and hormones called "mediators." The effect of these mediators cuase the allergic reaction, in this case an itchy rash. In allergic contact dermatitis, you have a skin reaction to something that has touched your skin at that site. The reaction does not occur the fist time you are exposed, however. Irritant contact dermatitis comes from coming in contact with a substance that directly damages your skin. Allergic dermatitis is usually confined to the area where the trigger actually touched the skin, whereas irritant dermatitis may be more widespread. The symptoms include: a red rash, blisteres or hives, and itchy or burning skin.
The cause of mast cell leukemia is unknown. The symptoms include: tiredness, lack of energy, shortness of breath during physical activity, pale skin, swollen gums, slow healing of cuts and bruises, small red spots under the skin, extensive bleeding from minor wounds, mild fever, bruise-like marks that appear without cause, aches in bones, knees, hips or shoulders, burning sensation in abdomen when moving, vomiting blood, bloody stools, nausea, unexplained weight loss, and changes in appetite.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is the breathing of 100% oxygen while inside a treatment chamber, at a pressure higher than sea-level pressure. It has long been accepted as the definitive treatment for decompression illness. The treatment may be carried out in either a monoplace (one person) or multiplace (multiple people) chamber. The purpose of the chamber is to provide increased amounts of oxygen to the body.
Epinephrine injection is used to treat life-threatening allergic reactions. It works by relaxing the muscles in the airways and tightening the blood vessels.


Contact Dermatitis

What causes Contact Dermatitis is that the immune system overreacts to a prolonged exposure to a foreign substance, usually from an animal or vegetable protein. Then the immune system is activated to produce antibodies `against the foreign substance. The antibodies release mediators that cause the symptoms of the allergic reaction


· A red rash is the usual reaction

  • Your skin may blister, or you may get a raised red rash, called hives, sometimes in a pattern that points to the foreign substance
  • Your skin will itch and may perhaps burn.


· Diphenhydramine- is an antihistamine that reduces the natural chemical histamine in the body.

Churg-Strauss Syndrome

What causes Churg-Strauss syndrome is not known, but it involves an abnormal over-activation of the immune system in a person with asthma.


· Fatigue

· weight loss

· inflammation of the nasal passages

· numbness

· weakness


· Prednisone- used to treat inflammatory diseases.

Mixed Connective Tissue Disease

What causes mixed connective is caused by an overlap illnesses (systemic lupus erythematosus and scleroderma) and have high amounts of the in their blood. Mixed connective tissue disease patients do not typically have other antibodies needed in the body.


· Raynauds disease

· Fatigue

· Joint pains

· Fevers

· Joint swelling

· Manaise

House episode analysis

1. Contact Dermatitis: Contact dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin caused by direct contact with an irritating substance.
- House diagnosed this allergy that the nun developed an allergic reaction to the soap for washing dishes.
2. Chug-strauss syndrome: is a disorder marked by blood vessel inflammation. This inflammation can restrict blood flow to vital organs and tissues, sometimes permanently damaging them.
-Causes: The cause of the syndrome is not known, but it involves an abnormal over-activation of the immune system in a person with underlying bronchospastic lung disease (asthma).
3. Thyrotoxicosis: is a condition in which the thyroid gland produces excess thyroid hormone (thyroxine) which results in effects on the whole body.
- Causes: Most often the cause seems to be the body developing an immune reaction against itself, in this case the parts of the thyroid cells which normally act as the receptors for thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), which is the hormone coming from the gland hanging beneath the brain (the pituitary gland). This hormone normally stimulates the thyroid to produce thyroxine, so antibodies bound on to these receptors cause production of thyroid hormone, and because it attaches to these receptors better than TSH would, more thyroxine than usual is produced.
4. Mixed connective tissue disease: is an uncommon autoimmune disorder that causes overlapping features of primarily three connective tissue diseases — lupus, scleroderma and polymyositis.
-Causes: Doctors don't know what causes mixed connective tissue disease. The disease is part of a larger group of diseases known as autoimmune disorders.
5. Mast cell leukemia: is the aggressive, terminal result of mast cell sarcoma and is a subtype of acute myeloid leukemia.

1. Diphenhydramine: (a pill) is an antihistamine used for treating allergic reactions. Histamine is released by the body during several types of allergic reactions and--to a lesser extent--during some viral infections, such as the common cold . When histamine binds to its receptors on cells, it stimulates changes within the cells that lead to sneezing, itching, and increased mucus production. Antihistamines compete with histamine for cell receptors; however, when they bind to the receptors they do not stimulate the cells. In addition, they prevent histamine from binding and stimulating the cells. Diphenhydramine also blocks the action of acetylcholine (anticholinergic effect) and is used as a sedative because it causes drowsiness. The FDA originally approved diphenhydramine in 1946.
2. Prednisone: is in a class of drugs called corticosteroids. Prednisone prevents the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation.
3. hyperbaric oxygen chamber: is defined as a treatment mode in which the patient is entirely enclosed in a pressure chamber breathing oxygen at a pressure greater than one atmosphere.

House Episode 1: Conditions and Treatments

1. Contact dermatitis

  • Causes: Is a localized rash or irritation of the skin caused by contact with a foreign substance. Substances that cause contact dermatitis in many people include "poisonous" plants such as poison ivy, certain foods, some metals, cleaning solutions, detergents, cosmetics, perfumes, industrial chemicals, and latex rubber.

  • Symptoms: red rash (most common), skin may blister, itchy skin.

2. Churg-strauss

  • Cause: The cause of the syndrome is unknown, but it involves an abnormal over-activation of the immune system in a person with underlying bronchospastic lung disease (asthma).

  • Symptomes: Churg-Strauss syndrome causes fever, weight loss, and sinus or nasal passage inflammation in the patient with asthma. Fatigue is common. Cough, shortness of breath, and chest pain can occur as the lungs are affected by vasculitis. Skin lumps, called nodules, can appear on the extremities. Diarrhea and pain in the belly occur due to blood vessel inflammation within the abdomen. The bladder and prostate gland can become inflamed.
    Numbness or weakness of the extremities is the result of nerve injury from the vasculitis. If the brain is affected, seizures or confusion can occur.

3. Tachycardia

  • Causes: Heart-related conditions such as high blood pressure (hypertension).Poor blood supply to the heart muscle due to coronary artery disease (atherosclerosis), heart valve disease, heart failure, heart muscle disease (cardiomyopathy), tumors, or infections. Other medical conditions such as thyroid disease, certain lung diseases, electrolyte imbalance, and alcohol or drug abuse.Emotional stress or drinking large amounts of alcoholic or caffeinated beverages.

  • Symptoms: Shortness of breath ,dizziness, sudden weakness, fluttering in the chest, lightheadedness, fainting.

4. Epinephrine

  • It causes quickening of the heart beat, strengthens the force of the heart's contraction, opens up the airways (bronchioles) in the lungs and has numerous other effects. The secretion of epinephrine by the adrenal is part of the fight-or-flight reaction. Adrenaline is a synonym of epinephrine.

5. Prednisone

  • Prednisone is an oral, synthetic corticosteroid used for suppressing the immune system and inflammation. It has effects similar to other corticosteroids such as triamcinolone (Kenacort), methylprednisolone (Medrol), prednisolone (Prelone) and dexamethasone (Decadron). These synthetic corticosteroids mimic the action of cortisol (hydrocortisone), the naturally-occurring corticosteroid produced in the body by the adrenal glands. Corticosteroids are mostly used because of their strong anti-inflammatory effects, particularly in those conditions in which the immune system plays an important role. These include: arthritis, colitis, asthma, bronchitis, certain skin rashes, and allergic or inflammatory conditions of the nose and eyes. Prednisone is inactive in the body and, in order to be effective, first must be converted to prednisolone by enzymes in the liver.

Nuns Disease

Churg-Strauss Syndrome
There is no known cause for Churg-Strauss Syndrome. It is typically found in patients with a history with new-onset or newly-worsened asthma because it is believed that asthma medications, such as leukotriene modifiers may be setting off this syndrome. This theory is still not tested. The symptoms for Churg-Strauss Syndrome include fevers, weight loss and sinus inflamation in the patient with asthma. Asthma can worsen as the syndrome intensifies. Other syndromes, are eosinophilia. The third stage of the Syndrome is vasculitis.

Contact Dermatitis
The causes for contact dermatitis include poisonous plants, some foods, detergents, cosmetics, foods, and perfumes. Symptoms of this disease include a red rash, and iritability on the skin.

Mixed Connective Tissue Disease
Doctors dont have clear the causes for this disease because they dont know what causes autoimmune diseases. Symptons inculde Raynaud's diseases, fatigue, malaise, muscle pains, joint pains, fever, joint swelling, and swollen hands with puffy fingers.

Epinephrine is a hormone secreted in adrenal glands. Epi injections are for treating severe allergic reactions. What it does, is open airways for the lungs and narrows blood vessels, reverse low blood preassure, wheezing, and severe skin itching.

Dyphendramine is a antihistamine used for allergic reactions. Antihistamine compete with histamine to get to cell receptors. When antihistamine reach the cell receptors they dont stimulate them preventing itching, or mucus production. It is also used as a sedative because it causes drowsiness.

Conditions and Treatments

1. Churg Strauss: a disorder marked by blood vessel inflammation. This inflammation can restrict blood flow to vital organs and tissues, sometimes permanently damaging them. Asthma is the most common symptom of this condition. Other symptoms can be fever, gastrointestinal bleeding, and severe numbing and pain in both hands and feet. This condition is occurs when the immune system overreacts and targets healthy tissue.
2. Cellulitis: is a common, potentially serious bacterial skin infection. This skin infection is caused by bacteria slipping into a cut or break in the skin. It can also happen to people without breaks in the skin but have diabetes or a weak immune system. It's symptoms are swollen and red areas of skin that feel hot and tender and may spread rapidly. Skin on lower legs is most commonly affected.
3. Mixed Connective Tissue Disease: is an uncommon autoimmune disorder that causes overlapping features of 3 connective tissue diseases- lupus, polymyositis, scleroderma. Symptoms include fatigue, joint swelling, swollen hands and puffy fingers, muscle pain and joint pain.
1. Prednisone: is a drug that prevents the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation. It is used to treat many conditions such as allergic disorders, skin conditions, arthritis, lupus etc.
2. Hyperbaric oxygen chamber: involves the breathing of pure oxygen while in a sealed chamber that has been pressurized. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is used in conventional treatment for decompression sickness; severe carbon monoxide poisoning; certain kinds of wounds, injuries, and skin infections; delayed radiation injury; and certain bone or brain infections.


Mixed Connective Tissue Disease
- Connective tissue disease are disorders featuring abnormalities involving the collagen and elastin. Mixed connective tissue disease is an overlap of three diseases, systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, and polymyositis. The causes of this disease are unknown, but the disease is part of a larger group of diseases known as autoimune disorders. Some symptoms of this disease are pain in two or more joints, skin changes, swollen hands, and muscle weakness.
- A treatment for this disease would be the use of a hyperbaric oxygen chamber, which involves the breathing of pure oxygen while in a sealed chamber that has been pressurized at 1-1/2 to 3 times the normal atmospheric pressure.

Churg-Strauss Syndrome
- A rare systemic autoimmune disease in which small to medium sized arteries, arterioles, and venules get inflamed. It is more commonly known as vasculitis and is characterized by the invasion and abnormal increase of a white blood cell called eosinophil. Symptoms of this syndrome may include but are not limited to include asthma, weight loss, fever, night sweats, shortness of breath and a constant cough.
- One type of treatment for this disease would be the use of systemic steriods, which are usually the initial therapy. High doses are used at first to try to get the disease into remission and then lower doses are administered.

Inflammatory Bowel
- Ulcerative colitis is a type of inflammatory bowel disease in the large intestine. The inner lining of the intestine becomes inflamed and develops ulcers. Some symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease are mucus and blood appearing in the stool and diarrhea.

House Episode 1 Sick Nunny

3 Conditions

Cardiac Arrest: the heart has an internal electrical system, which controls the rhythm of the beat. An arrhythmia causes an abnormal heartbeat. During and arrhythmia the heart can beat too fast, too slow, or stop beating like in the nun’s case. Without medical attention the person can die in a matter of minutes. People who receive CPR and defibrillation are more likely to survive from a Cardiac Arrest.

Cellulitis: is a bacterial infection in the deepest layer of the skin. The cells swell up; bacteria can enter a body through a break in the skin, a cut, scratch or bite. With cellulitis the deep skin tissue infected becomes red, hot, irritated and painful. Symptoms: skin redness or swelling in the infected area, tight, glossy look to skin, pain, skin rash, and fevers, chills or muscle aches. The treatment to cellulitis includes antibiotics.

Connective tissue disorders: connective tissue is the “cellular glue: that gives your tissues their shape and keeps them strong. The nun had scleroderma, which has no known cause. Scleroderma means hard skins, systemic scleroderma affects your blood vessels and internal organs and your skin.

2 Treatments

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, as a treatment mode in which the patient is entirely enclosed in a pressure chamber breathing oxygen at a pressure greater than one atmosphere.

Diphenhydramine: is an antihistamine used for treating allergic reactions.


Eosinophilia: the condition in which very high amounts of eosinophils, or a type of white blood cell, are found in the blood stream or gut lining. It can be caused by many factors, including: allergic diseases such as asthma and hay fever, lung diseases, vasculitis, some tumors, liver cirrhosis, and many others. Its symptoms are those of the condition it was caused by, although some rare symptoms can include weight loss, night sweats, lymph node enlargement, other skin rashes, and numbness and tingling due to nerve damage.

Systemic mastocytosis: a condition caused by the accumulation of mast cells in more than one part of the body. The reason why some people have so many mast cells is unknown. The symptoms are all different, depending on where the disease is located in the body. Some include rashes, diarrhea, trouble breathing, and low blood pressure.

Contact Dermatitis: an inflammation of the skin caused by direct contact with an irritating substance. It is caused by direct contact with acids, alkaline materials such as soaps and detergents, solvents, or other chemicals. Some symptoms include itching, skin redness or inflammation, tenderness, warmth of exposed area, skin lesions, and rash.


Prednisone: prevents the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation. It is used to treat many different conditions such as allergic disorders, skin conditions, ulcerative colitis, arthritis, lupus, psoriasis, or breathing disorders.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy: involves the breathing of pure oxygen while in a sealed chamber that has been pressurized at 1-1/2 to 3 times normal atmospheric pressure.

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Chemical Ocean Acid Test

In May 2011 a group of scientist went up to Norway to test how the ocean life is reacting to the rise in chemical acidity of the ocean. As acid levels rise marine life is experiencing new problems that they never had to face before, a decrease in one species could jeopardize a whole ecosystem and even harm us. As Carbon dioxide levels rise the ocean absorbs them and create carbonic acid which can kill many species. These scientist have found that the oceans have become more than 30 precent more acidic than they were 150 years ago, and that by the end of this century that number may have doubled. "Life is flexible, so some organisms will be able to adapt and evolve. But the worry today is that the change is happening so fast that many may not have time to ajust." says Gatusso, one of the scientist working on the project.

Their project test all organism from the bacteria level towards large fish. And how the lowered pH levels will affect them each. They have found that animals with calcium base skeletons or parts such as; crabs and corals, are the most affected. This is troubleing beacuse corals are a source of food and shelter for many animals and without them many species could suffer. And with 1 billion of people relying on the ocean for food it has become a very big problem.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Chemical Beverage Signatures Allow Geographical Tracking of People By What They've Been Drinking

According to a new research Utah has come up with, over time they can tell where a person has been, where they have traveled to, etc. They have figured out that its is possible to track what someones been drinking and that information then leads them and allows them to figure out the rest because of the fingerprints left in the hair. They measure the isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen which takes gets the researchers closer to their conclusion. They tested this by taking samples of 33 different cities and happened to notice that the isotope pattern of the city matched the pattern of the tap water. The article explains how water was their strongest source of information; soda and beer were not as strong.

The article selected is an example of hypothesis based science because having a conclusion and then observing what was occurring while they were taking tests to prove it led them to the actual facts.

The importance this has to humans is allowing them to know that " you are what you eat" is said common but this article supports why it is true. It keeps them aware that what they drink/digest accumulates and leaves patterns and prints in a certain part of their body that allows researchers to track them down.

author: Rebecca Boyle
title of article: Chemical Beverage Signatures Allow Geographical Tracking of People By What They've Been Drinking
journal: POPSCI
date published: June 30, 2010

Is Water Vapor in the Stratosphere Slowing Global Warming

Author: David Biello

Journal: Scientific American

Date Published : January 29, 2010


Earth stratosphere is a cold, dry place above the troposphere. The only way that water gets into the high latitude above the Earth’s surface, is when it billows up from the humid tropics rising up to the tropopause. Since 2001 there has been less water in the stratosphere because of cooler temperatures in the tropopause and may be holding back global warming. The reason for water vapor temperature change is because the drop in temperature at the interference between troposphere and stratosphere. This effect can be in the variability of Earth’s climate or carbon dioxide and other greenhouses gases trapping more heat and warming the sea surface temperature. Methane’s growth rate has dropped which has made it a weaker source of stratospheric water. A drier lower stratosphere has slowed warming caused by thickening the greenhouses gas blanket.

This article is describing how the greenhouses gas, such as CO2, has dried the stratosphere causing global warming slowed. This is an example of discovery based science because the observations made by the scientists of the stratosphere and the troposphere made them conclude that the greenhouses gases are the cause of slowing global warming. This article is important to us because it informs us that thanks to the greenhouses gases, global warming has slowed, no longer making it a fast problem for our Earth environment.

Recyclable Water

At the Parafield Aquifier storag, researchers gathered storm water from an urban environment and placed it in an aquifer and then re-gathered the treated water through a well. Before the treatment the water contained some amounts of bacteria and raised amounts of iron. After the treatment, most of the hazardous bacteria and properties of the water had been removed or reduced.
The researchers took the approach of gathering water from an urban land and then placing it in a constructed wetland to then place it in an aquifer and then re-gather the treated water via a well in order to identify if they could recycle water to make it drinkable.
They performed hypothesis science because they examined on the water before coming up with there finding.
This research has great importance to humans because if the scientists were to successfully recycle the water to make it drinkable once again then we would have found a new source of making drinkable water.
author: American Society of Agronomy
Title: Drinking Recycled Water? Study Establishes Methods to Assess Recycled Aquifer Water
Date published:Jan. 6, 2011


At the Parafield Aquifier storag, researchers gathered storm water from an urban environment and placed it in an aquifer and then re-gathered the treated water through a well. Before the treatment the water contained some amounts of bacteria and raised amounts of iron. After the treatment, most of the hazardous bacteria and properties of the water had been removed or reduced.
The researchers took the approach of gathering water from an urban land and then placing it in a constructed wetland to then place it in an aquifer and then re-gather the treated water via a well in order to identify if they could recycle water to make it drinkable.
They performed hypothesis science because they examined on the water before coming up with there finding.
This research has great importance to humans because if the scientists were to successfully recycle the water to make it drinkable once again then we would have found a new source of making drinkable water.
author: American Society of Agronomy
Title: Drinking Recycled Water? Study Establishes Methods to Assess Recycled Aquifer Water
Date published:Jan. 6, 2011

Using the ocean as an inexhaustible water supply

It is estimated that a ound 2012, 36 states experience water shortages. Some states, such as Florida are turning to dedsalination plants. The Tampa Bay Seawater Desalination Plant produces 25 million gallons a day (about 10% of the regions water supply). Some critics say however that these plants have a negative effect on coastal marine life. Therefore, many places around the world are turning to the idea of offshore desalination platforms or vessels. The benefits are that offshore, the water can be extracted from depths where sea life density is low and the water is cleaner; also, the cost of an offshore plant is less because it doesn't need third party power, it can produce it's own. India and Spain have built tests plants but these approaches make a small production of only about 5 million gallons or less per day. The Water Standard Company intends to build a Seawater Desalination Vessel (SDV) which could produce 5 times as much (3 times as much as the production of the Tampa Bay desalination plant). This vessel would be about a mile offshore and would generate its own power with gas turbines (biofuels could be used). The process used would be Osmosis, the same procruise ships and military ships for decades. The company plans on building the first ship in Israel, Australia, China, or the Middle East; all areas with a high demand for water.

The aticle is discovery based because the plant has not yet been tested (as of 2008). Expected results have not been proved to be effective (cost, safe efor marine life, etc.)

This is important for humans because water is one of the many resources on earth which is scarse, yet it is vital for all forms of life. Humans need to start finding effective alternatives to meet the demands of people. This is especially important to countries which are in dire need of water such as the Mddle Est, etc.

Patrick Huyghe, "Water, Water Everywhere, So Let's All Have a Drink", June 11, 2008,

Drinking Recycled Water

The arlticle is about water and how some scientist in The Australian Government National Water Commission got paid to examine the quality of water after it has been treated using a managed aquifer recharge and wether or not the finished product would meet with standard drinking water guidlines. They did the experimet by collecting storm water and measuring its concentration. The results of the storm water amazed them with small amounts of fecal bacteria, elevated concentrations of iron, and other contaminates were found in the water. However, after the water was run through the aquifer and underwent further treatment, the water came out almost completely cleaned and some other treatments had to be made to remove some hazards.
The type of experiment that they did was hypothesis based experiment beacuse they made test and then reached a conclusion after the tests. The importance that the findings have to humans is that it could provide better drinking water for poeple that might not have enough money to get healthey water. it could also be the means of recycling and reusing water that before could only be used once.
Tittle of article: Drinking Recycled water? Study establishes Methods to Assess Recycled Aquifer Water
Author/journal: Journal of Envoirmental Quality
Date published: December 2010

Water Properties: Water Science for Schools: Physical and Chemical Water Properties

Water is an essential molecule to living organisms life. It is the World's primary natural resource. Unfortunately water is begging to disappear. Water scarcity is becoming a major problem in the World today.
Water is called "universal solvent" that is because it has the capacity to dissolve many more substances than any other liquids. When water goes through different parts anything it has the capacity to take valuable chemicals, minerals, and nutrients.
Water has a neutral pH because it is nor acidic or basic. Water can be found in three different stages either liquids, solids, or gases. This is because of Earth's water are in constant change and movement it makes water be able to form in three different stages.
Water has the capacity to absorb lots of heat before it begins to heat up, that is why water is known to have specific heat index. Water can also be found to have a high surface tension. That means that is has the capacity to come together.

- One of every six people are not able to find immediate access to safe drinking water.
- Around 6,000 people die daily because there is not enough drinking water available for them.
- When water freezes at 32o F its mass would be around 62 pounds per cubic feet.
- When water boils at 100o F its weight would be around 61 pounds per cubic feet.

Water Volumes:
1 Gallon is the same as 4 Quarts
1 Gallon is the same as 8 Pints
1 Gallon is the same as 128 Fluid Ounces

This article is discovery based observations. They are making inferences from the different characteristics and properties of water.

Howard Perlman, Water Properties: Water Science for Schools: Physical and Chemical Water Properties, USGS, February 8, 2011,

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Water Lust: Why All the Excitement When H2O Is Found in Space?

NASA in September 2009 announced that they had found ice water in craters on Mars and water dispersed on the moon. Water is the most important thing for living organisms, and it might be common in the solar system. Evidence suggests that water as a solid, liquid or gas is present at the poles of Mercury, within the clouds of Venus, on Mars, inside asteroids and comets, and on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Scientists have also speculated that subsurface oceans of liquid water exist in Jupiter's moons. They have also detected water forms in Pluto's moon, in interstellar gas and in the atmospheres of stars. Pamela Conrad, a planetary scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, states ""It's not a surprise that the simple (molecules) would show up again and again ... But I think its discovery on specific planets or other bodies in the solar system has a significance beyond whether or not we're surprised that it's there. It gives us permission to speculate on whether or not there is other chemistry that would be relevant to the origin or the sustenance of life."

Scientists continue their search for extraterrestrial water because Earth requires it. Liquid water has properties that make it essential for life. Sushil Atreya, who studies the formation of planets and the evolution of their atmospheres at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor's Planetery Science Laboratory, says "Liquid water acts as a solvent, as a medium and as a catalyst for certain types of proteins, and those are three main things that allow life to flourish."

This article is an example of discovery science because scientists have found evidence of water forms in the universe and deducted that water is common in other places besides Earth. This discovery is important for humans because it proves that other forms of life may exist in other planets and astoids, etc.

Author: Bruce Lieberman
Title: Water Lust: Why All the Excitement When H2O Is Found in Space?
Journal: Scientific American
Date published: October 4, 2009