Thursday, October 6, 2011

Sick Nun Diagnosis/Treatments

Churg Strauss Vasculitis
Cause: The cause of this syndrome is not yet known.
Symptoms: Churg Strauss is commonly characterized by asthma, allergic rhitinis, and peripheral blood eosinophilia. As the syndrome can affect any organ system, symptoms can vary depending on the location. Pulmonary Churg Strauss includes asthma, cough, sinuses, and difficulty breathing. Neurological Churg Strauss consists of mononeuritis and polyneuropathy. Cutaneous Churg Strauss causes the skin to seem to have bug bites and hemorraghes. Cardiovascular Churg Strauss includes inflammation of the heart and quick heartbeat. Gastrointestinal Churg Strauss causes gastroenteritis, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and hemorrhages.
Cause: This disease is usually caused by the body forming an immune reaction against itself. Thyroid cells that receive thyroid stimulating hormone from the pituitary gland have antibodies bound on to their receptors. This causes the thyroid to go into overdrive and produce more thyroxine than usual.
Symptoms: Since this disease causes the patient's metabolism to increase, typical symptoms include weight loss, increased appetite, rapid heart rate, fine tremors, increased nervousness and emotional instability, intolerance of heat, excessive sweating, bulging eyes, and enlargement of the thyroid gland.
Contact Dermatitis
Cause: This disease is an allergic reaction when direct contact is made with an allergen.
Symptoms: The contact causes itching, redness, inflammation, tenderness, lesions, and/or rash on the patient's skin.
Prednisone: is a type of steroid that prevents the release of substances that cause inflammation in the body.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber: an isolated, sealed chamber in which a patient is treated in a situation of one hundred percent oxygen and increased pressure in comparison to outside pressure.

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