Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Importance of Water in the Life of the British Mayfly

The British Mayfly is a common English insect, also known as the Green Drake. This bug lives out its yearlong life as an aquatic larvae, but then develops into a large winged insect. This form is what the mayfly lives as for the remaining three hours of its life. Although this life span may seem extremely short, it has been cut even shorter by the 1°C increase in temperature of The River Dove, its environment. This increase, which experts believe is due to climate change (global warming), has cut the life of these insects. Since the temperatures are warmer, food is plentiful and the insects mature faster. By completing their life cycle at a more rapid pace, these insects lives are cut short. Also, the water is much too hot for the larvae. This causes them to hatch faster, and die sooner. Hopefully, with newfound awareness, climate change will decrease, and these beautiful creatures will lead normal lives again.

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