Friday, September 16, 2011

Recyclable Water

At the Parafield Aquifier storag, researchers gathered storm water from an urban environment and placed it in an aquifer and then re-gathered the treated water through a well. Before the treatment the water contained some amounts of bacteria and raised amounts of iron. After the treatment, most of the hazardous bacteria and properties of the water had been removed or reduced.
The researchers took the approach of gathering water from an urban land and then placing it in a constructed wetland to then place it in an aquifer and then re-gather the treated water via a well in order to identify if they could recycle water to make it drinkable.
They performed hypothesis science because they examined on the water before coming up with there finding.
This research has great importance to humans because if the scientists were to successfully recycle the water to make it drinkable once again then we would have found a new source of making drinkable water.
author: American Society of Agronomy
Title: Drinking Recycled Water? Study Establishes Methods to Assess Recycled Aquifer Water
Date published:Jan. 6, 2011

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