Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Dawn of the Dinosaurs

Even though the end of the dinosaurs is well known their beginning remains in a mysterious light. Just as the descendants of dinosaurs today are now believed to be common birds their ancestors are also believed to have look somewhat chicken like. They were small two legged creatures that scavenged whatever food they could find. Just how the dinosaurs' end resulted in mammals being able to become the dominant type of life in the world a mass extinction about 252 million years ago caused dinosaurs and other species to start evolving. At first as the dinosaurs started evolving, around 230 million years ago, they were not the most threatening species compared to reptiles and amphibians. With these early dinosaurs paleontologist have trouble placing them in to the already existing dinosaur family tree because its unsure which family they fit in to. They have characteristics of different families and were rather weak, which brings up to question on how such small and weak creatures developed into such complex beings that ruled the world. The answer is yet another mass extinction around 200 million years ago that allowed the dinosaurs to prosper in a world with missing predators and consumers. Dinosaurs took advantage of these missing characters in the ecosystem and developed into what was needed to balance the ecosystem ands become such magnificent species throughout.


Gian Toyos said...

Was your article an example of Discovery Science or Hypothesis-based Science.

You forgot the bibliography.

Cristobal.I said...
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