Monday, September 12, 2011

Australia Faces a Waterless Future

The news announced the levels of Autralia's reservoirs and billboards posted water consumption statistics throughout 2007. The public was astonished of these reports of the strained economy. Australia has had its worst drought in a millennium and it continues for a seventh year, forcing drinking-water reserves to record lows across the country. As global warming continues, many countries may have do adapt to less water. the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warned that water shortages will intensify in Australia. To fight back the problem, Australia's major cities are constructing and planning desalination plants. "Australia is the canary in the coal mine when it comes to the impact of climate change on water resources, said Ross Young, executive director of the Water Services Association of Australia. "Many people thought there would be adequate time to adapt to less water. The lesson from Australia is that the shift has been very dramatic and has occurred in a very short period."
- The article selected is an example of discovery science because it was discovered from Australia's reservoirs and water consumption billboards. Observations made from weather stations and satellites which were compared to previous information from past years could have helped them make these discoveries
- The importance of the findings that the research has for humans is that it creates a conscience of knowledge for thinking about the future and making adaptations and changes to face the hardships of the present and the be prepared for the future.
Article by Megan Mansell Williams, published online December 18, 2007

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