Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Spider Assassin
The article shows how a biologist, Anne Wignall from Australia's Macquarie University discovered how the spider lures food by strumming webs with its legs, sounding like the vibrations of a trapped fly. This an important trait because it is a predator that can easily become the prey and it uses its surroundings to help get food. Spiders can not see very well so they depend on the vibrations of their spider webs to see when they caught something and the Assassin spider uses this to its advantage.
It is an example of discovery science because they discover the characteristic of the spider they did not do experiments.
The importance that this experiment has to humans is that it can be used to prevent certain spiders from attacking you or to kill poisonous spiders.
Author: Ed Yong
Title: The Spider Assassin That Acts Like Prey and Cloaks Itself With Wind
Journal: Discover Magazine
Date Published: February 6, 2012
Page of Article: 1st

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