Friday, February 10, 2012

Scientists stack up new genes for height

A team of researchers that includes members from the University of North Carolina, discovered hundreds and hundreds of genes that influence human height. The results of their findings was that a large number of genes in an individual helps determine their height. The study appears in the journal Nature, and it states that the study is a result of the largest association of scientists and researchers which gave themselves the name GIANT(Genetic Investigation of Anthropometric Traits) to ever study the trait and genes of height. This association brought hundreds of researchers and individuals to see which genes affect the height in over two-hundreds individuals. The researchers that were competing in finding which genes affect the height, finished combining their results because they noticed that height was a complex genetic trait. The members of this association are researching to find "the missing heritability" which is the proportion of inherited variation of height.

Analysis :

· Was the article you selected an example of discovery science or hypothesis based science? Explain
- This article was an example of hypothesis based science, because the GIANT association of researches conducted an experiment to try to figure out the complex genetic traits of height.

  • · What importance does the research or findings have for humans?
  • - The importance of this experiment for humans is that they are finally coming to a close of genetic traits and figuring out what does each gene do or does to the human being and seeing if more genes affects the height or stature of the individual.


titleTitle: Scientists stack up new genes for height

date published : September 30,2012


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