Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Genetic Mutation causes lack of Fingerprints

In the airport a man has been stopped by airport police at border control, the machine has not detect his fingerprint, they question him for hours until they realized something strange; he has no fingerprints, something that seemed impossible is actually pretty common. Fingerprints are unique for each person they are good to identify the individual people they are ridges in your skin cell but scientist are not sure what they’re meant for. The theory was that fingerprints were meant to increase friction between the skin and the surface of other objects but this theory has been disproven and it is now known that friction is reduced by fingerprints. Other theories of the use of fingerprints is increasing sensitivity and there are other scientist that believe that fingerprints are not needed for survival. The lack of fingerprints is caused by a mutation in a specific gene called SMARCAD1. This discovery might not help the fingerprint less people grow their fingerprints but it will help treat and locate other conditions.

Analysis: This is an example of discovery science because the researchers and scientist conducted various experiments finding proof in a specific gene that controls the activation of fingerprints. The research done by these scientist could help understand and help other conditions in that specific gene but it is unlikely they could help fingerprint less people.

Bibliography: Andrew Purcell, Rare genetic mutation explains lack of fingerprints, August 4 2011

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