Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Designer Babies?

Lab techniques used to screen babies are now being used to modify genetic material so that babies will have certain characteristics. Fertility Institutes, a clinic in Los Angeles, has released a public statement that a service will be available for couples to select the sex and characteristics of their fetuses. The system uses a procedure a called pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, or PGD. Though process has been used for purposes such as avoiding mortal diseases in children, it has been developed to such an extent that it seems that it can be used to create “designer babies”, a term coined by critics. Due to the lack of US regulations on PDG, genetic knowledge has progressed swiftly, and such an option is available. Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis is a process by which a 3 day embryo, which has 6 cells, is screened and tested for specific illnesses. If it is does not have such genetic markers, the baby is placed in the mother’s womb. The cosmetic PDG works in the same manner. The babies are tested for specific physical characteristics. If they have the indicated genetic markers, they are placed within the mother.Lab techniques used to screen babies are now being used to modify genetic material so that babies will have certain characteristics. Fertility Institutes, a clinic in Los Angeles, has released a public statement that a service will be available for couples to select the sex and characteristics of their fetuses. The system uses a procedure a called pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, or PGD. Though process has been used for purposes such as avoiding mortal diseases in children, it has been developed to such an extent that it seems that it can be used to create “designer babies”, a term coined by critics. Due to the lack of US regulations on PDG, genetic knowledge has progressed swiftly, and such an option is available. Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis is a process by which a 3 day embryo, which has 6 cells, is screened and tested for specific illnesses. If it is does not have such genetic markers, the baby is placed in the mother’s womb. The cosmetic PDG works in the same manner. The babies are tested for specific physical characteristics. If they have the indicated genetic markers, they are placed within the mother.

However, there is much criticism towards such a process. People say that such genetic enhancement could lead to discrimination. There are also many hurdles that must be overcome. For one, the scientific community must learn more about genes and the inner workings of the human body. People must also take into account that there are controlling external factors which affect physical characteristics. In the long run, the practice could also decrease human diversity, which is very dangerous.

The tests would in theory analyze DNA data and see which genetic markers are present. However, the exam would not work on Asians and Africans, as key pigmentation markers for those groups have not been identified. However, it is much easier to remove a disease than to read markers associated with diabetes or hair color, as there usually isn’t enough high quality genetic material at such a stage. It would also screen embryos at day five, which would offer a better view of genetic material, which would result in a better selection.

Gautam Naik
A Baby, Please. Blond, Freckles --Hold the Colic
Wall Street Journal
February 12,2009


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