Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Mitochondria swapping for a “healthy baby”

  • In a cell the power house, the provider for cell life is the mitochondria and a defective mitochondria could cause deseases in offspring. Geneticist Shoukhrat Mitalipov of Oregon Health and Science University and his team conducted an experiment with monkeys, in which they swapped the monkeys’ mitochondria’s and yielded four healthy offspring’s.  The mitochondria of one of the monkeys was emptied and left only with the DNA and then refilled with the genetic material of the other monkey, a process known as “cellular shell game”.


  • ·      This article is an example of hypothesis-based science because the group of scientists had a hypothesis that the Mitochondria of an organism could be swapped and altered and then be reintegrated into the organism and yield healthy offspring.
  • ·      This research can be very important for humans because it can be used to “cure” or prevent hereditary diseases. Doctors can now swapped damaged mitochondria for healthy ones and prevent any hereditary disease caused by the unhealthy mitochondria.

Bibliographic Citation

  • ·      Author: Amy Barth | Title: Genetic Disease Cured Using Cellular Shell Game | Journal: Discover Magazine | Date Published: January 25, 2010 | Site:

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