Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Japanese Create a Mutant Mouse That Tweets Like a Bird

In the University of Osaka, scientists have genetically modified a mouse that tweets like a bird. They have been studying how a miscopy of DNA can result in genetic mutations. The researchers did not purposely modify the mouse to tweet, but the experiment led to that outcome. This mouse was then classified under the “Evolved Mouse Project”. This project genetically alters mice to be susceptible to mutations. The product of the mouse is chance like the mouse that now tweets.
This article is an example of hypothesis based science since the researchers have created more than 100 genetically modified mice by making them prone to mutations. These findings are important for humans because it may provide information about the formation of human language and how it has changed over time.

Author: Clay Dillow
Title: Japanese Create A Mutant Mouse That Tweets Like A Bird
Journal: Popular Science
Date published: 12/21/10

-Camille Rothenberg

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