Friday, August 26, 2011

Teens show rise in hearing loss

Although promoting awareness about hearing loss has increased (warning teens about the dangers of loud music and about diseases that cause ear infections) studies have recently revealed that a portion of the U.S. adolescents with any hearing loss has actually increased. It has been discovered that 6.5 million teens in the US have some hearing loss. Contributing factors to hearing loss include medical care, diet, lack of exercise, and obesity. However, kids with good hearing didn't give different answers from those of kids with poor hearing. It has also been found that poorer kids have more hearing loss, possibly due to lack of medical care.

The experiment in my article was an example of discovery based science. A group of scientists observed how loud music and certain ear infections have caused a decrease in hearing in adolescents. They did not conduct any experiments, but just conducted a few surveys and interviews. This article serves as a clear warning against loud music and lack of medical care (for one's ears). It also shows the importance of rising teen hearing loss and how it could affect future generations.


Gian Toyos said...

Your analysis is missing the bibliography.

Casanova, M said...

Its from Scientific American, sorry!