Friday, August 26, 2011

Neptune- the largest undersea observatory

Neptune, the world's largest undersea observatory will provide the first large scale ocean system. Neptune consists of 530 miles of cable, 130 instruments with 400 sensors. Neptune is connected to the internet, allowing live viewing of Wally, a rover, crawling at 2,800 feet below sea level. Wally can take live videos of tube worms of tube worms and hydrothermal vents, allowing scientists all over the world visit the deep ocean in the comfort of their home, car, or coffee shop. Neptune's parts are all located on the ship called "Ile de Sein" that take it to many different parts of the world, wither it's the pacific ocean to Atlantic ocean. It has a tethered float with radiometers, fluorometers and conductivity sensors used to sample the water and learn how it changes over time. With a construction cost of $106,000,000 an annual budget of $12,000,000 and a staff of 45 people, it is no wonder how this observatory has made it to the bis science of discovery science. The importance of the experiment is to give us an increased knowledge on the sea. Borel, Brooke, Neptune-the world largest undersea observatory-August- pg. 41.

1 comment:

Gian Toyos said...

Name of the journal in which this article was published?