Sunday, August 28, 2011

finding more than just exoplanets

In the article Kepler spacecraft finds much more than exoplanets by Charles Petit, we learn that Kepler is on his way to making many new discoveries in space. He is on a hunt for extra solar planets. It mentions that Kepler was the first one to notice that planets follow elliptical orbits. He finds many new discoveries but chooses certain ones to keep his eye on. It says that he hopes to some that might be earthlike size. Still, him and his group are on a mission to make discoveries that many will be surprised with and would of never expected.

Analysis :
The experiment in the article is an example of discovery science because they made no predictions. Kepler and his group just used their tools and observed to see what they were able to find. This research and their findings has an importance to humans because it informs them of the things out there that they probably never even though of and gives information on many things they were unknown to most of the population.

Author: Charles Petit
Title of the article: Kepler spacecraft finds much more than exoplanets
Journal: Science News
Date published: June 4,2011
Pages: 18-21

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