Friday, August 26, 2011

Researches link Alzheimer's to a lack of ZZZZZs

Scientists have been researching the link between sleep and the development of Alzheimer's disease within mice test subjects. Tests proved that mice which got less sleep, developed more amyloid-beta protein, which is believed to clump together in brain fluid and eventually kill off neurons, leading to Alzheimer's disease symptoms. Scientists also tested genetically predisposed mice, and found that those who did not sleep, developed more plaques than those who did. "This is the first experimental study that clearly shows that disrupted sleep may contribute to the disease process," says Peter Meerlo, a neuroscientist at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. Studies in people have not shown a link between chronic sleep deprivation and Alzheimer's, but scientists believe that lack of sleep, specifically during midlife, could hasten the onset of the disease in genetically predisposed individuals.

This article is a perfect example of hypothesis-based science, as the scientists started with one, and later experimented to see if they were correct.

This research is important in the struggle with Alzheimer's. The more we understand about the disease, the more we can try to fight it, and find a cure.

Author: Tina Hesman Saey
Title of Article: Researchers link Alzheimer's to a lack of ZZZZZs
Journal: Science News
Date Published: October 24, 2009

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