Friday, August 26, 2011

Scientific Article Analysis

Rare rayed crater found in Sahara
The article talks about a 45 meter wide impact site that was made by a Meteor that is thought to have crashed about 5,000-10,000 years. The creater was discovered in 2008 from Google Earth in the Southwestern part of Egypt. Scientist think that it was a huge meteor because the rime of the creator is elevated 3 meters above the surrounding lands. When the impact occured, colored material blasted from the ground and created something that is not usually seen on Earth. This shows how fresh the creator is because the meteor that cause the rays of lights are ruined because of erosion.
The article is an example of discovery science because they are not yet asking question but discoverying the meteor and what it consists of.
The importance that the discovery of the meteor might have to humans is that it might be able to show were it came frome and if more mereor could come from the same place
By: Sid Perkins
Tittle: Rare rayed crater found in Sahara
journal: Science News
Date published: August 14, 2010
Page: 13

1 comment:

Gian Toyos said...

Make sure you check your spelling: crater