Friday, September 2, 2011

Scientific Article Analysis: Science News

Laura Bell
"I, Mold"
pgs. 27-29

"While some microbes prefer to make a living through disease and death, a fungus is often content to wait for its host to die of something else." Every time you breath you breathe you are breathing in invisible clouds of fungal spores. On your hair and skin there is a microscopic film of fungus. Only some fungi species are capable of causing human disease. There are about 12 species of fungus that cause disease. The drugs that treat fungal infections have been difficult to develop because the fungi share many properties with people. Fungi are closer to the animal kingdom than any other form of life.

- An experiment that was conducted was that of tracking the studies and hospital-based reports, it says that infections have increased over the past 30 years and they are fatal.

- The research teaches us that fungi live in large quantities and very close to us. They can easily hurt us or kill us.

1 comment:

Gian Toyos said...

Was this article an example of Discovery Science or Hypothesis Based Science.

Next time make sure that the title of your post is the same as the title of the article.