Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Homosexuality is not determined by a single gene. Therefore, we can't just choose whether or not we would like our children to be homosexual or not. Dr. Qazi Rahman states that homosexuality, as well as heterosexuality, is determined by a mixture of genes and has a certain relationship with nature. Dr. Niklas Langstrom surveyed 3,826 twins of the same gender. The survey showed that 35 percent of the differences between homosexual and heterosexual twins is accounted for by genetics. Dr. Qazi Rahman responds: "Men become gay or straight because of different developmental pathways, not just one pathway." This study shows that non-shared environmental factors, including factors of fetal development, is dominant to shared environmental factors.

Discover Science
Importance: This article is important because it shows that homosexuality is not determined by a single gene but by a mixture of genes and environmental factors.

Science Daily, Homosexual Behavior Largely Shaped by Genetics and Random Environmental Factors, June 28, 2008, one page

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